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The Origin Yellow gummy Green gummy
Red gummy with cookie 4 gummies Red gummy with cookie 4 gummies Red gummy

Hi there! My name is Hidhir,
Founder of Tough Club :)

Back in the day, I was a plump, cheerful child living in Singapore. I was that child with an itty bitty sweet tooth; where joy was having a fistful of gummy bears in my hand while thinking about chocolate cake. Calories?...I don't know her.

An piece of bread with an apple An girl doing push up

This sweet love earned me a one-way ticket into the infamous "TAF" club (for the uninitiated this stood for "Trim and Fit" club). It was an invite-only club designed to help oh-so-innocent kids, shed the extra pound. Snacking became public enemy #1 but the need for the sweet munchies never died.

Shoe image
An girl in aerobic outfit TAF Club Era

Trust and believe, I have tried to befriend countless healthy snacks.. but sadness is truly trying to satiate your craving with snacks that taste like dry-ass. Mmm so nutritious...said no one ever.

Sugar Spice & Everything Nice

No more! It is time for healthy snacks to enter her redemption era! For her to truly hit the spot! So with a little "sugar", spice and everything nice, we have created the perfect little alternatives that take the tough out of snacking so you can:

1 Fill your tummies with wholesome, guilt-free munchies.

2 Enjoy lip-smacking joy with that child-like exuberance.

3 Say eating healthy is fun, simple and delicious without raising eyebrows.

Yes we are reclaiming that club name Yes we are reclaiming that club name
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Tough Club Logo

the home of all things yummy,
healthy and truly delicious!

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